Senior Exhibition Scholarships

For Boys Entering Year 11

1. Margaret Travers Exhibition Scholarship

This Exhibition is awarded to recognise an applicant’s effort and contribution to the life of the School. He must be making a strong effort academically with performance commensurate with ability. He must have a significant involvement in co-curricular activities and games beyond that which is required by the School and be making an outstanding effort in each of those activities and games. The Exhibition seeks to acknowledge the example set to others by the successful applicants’ outstanding contribution and effort both academically and in co-curricular activities.

Named after Mrs Margaret Travers, wife of B H Travers, Headmaster of Shore 1959-1984.

2. Tricia Grant Exhibition Scholarship

This Exhibition is awarded to recognise an applicant’s effort and contribution to the life of the School. He must be making a strong effort academically with performance commensurate with ability. He must have a significant involvement in service activities within the School as well as beyond that which is required by the School. He must be making an outstanding effort in each of those service activities. The Exhibition seeks to acknowledge the example set to others by the successful applicants’ outstanding contribution and effort both academically and in service activities.

Named after Mrs Patricia Grant, wife of RAI Grant, Headmaster of Shore 1984-2002.

3. The Old Boys’ Club Exhibition Scholarship

The Old Boys’ Club Exhibition Scholarship is for a student that is not currently on scholarship that demonstrates outstanding academic effort and performance. This exhibition seeks to recognise a student that is setting the highest academic example amongst his peers.

4. Far West Old Boys’ Boarding Exhibition

This exhibition is awarded to a Boarder from the rural community after consultation with the Boarding Housemasters. For a Boarding student demonstrating outstanding leadership, academic effort and involvement in the full life of the School.

5. T A Wright Exhibition Scholarship

This Exhibition is awarded to recognise an applicant’s effort and leadership in the life of the School. He must be making a strong effort academically with performance commensurate with ability. He must have a significant involvement in leadership positions and be making an outstanding effort in all areas of his schooling. The Exhibition seeks to acknowledge the example set to others by the successful applicants’ outstanding contribution in all aspects of school life.

Named after Dr T A Wright, PhD, DipEd, BSc(Hons), FACE, MRACI, CChem Headmaster of Shore 2003-2019.

For Boys Entering Year 12

1. The Mitchell Exhibition Scholarship

The Mitchell Exhibition Scholarship was established through the provision of an endowed sum by Robert I Mitchell, brother of William Douglas Mitchell, an Old Boy of Shore, who was killed in action off the Norwegian Coast in 1945. This award is made to a boy entering Year 12 who, as far as possible, bears characteristics ascribed to W D Mitchell who participated fully in all aspects of School life.

2. The Cecilie Purves Exhibition Scholarship

This is awarded each year by a Committee consisting of the Headmaster and other members of the School staff. For a student that is not currently on scholarship that demonstrates outstanding academic effort and performance.

3. Sybil Hodges Boarding Exhibition Scholarship

This exhibition is awarded to a Boarder from the rural community by the Headmaster after consultation with the Boarding Housemasters. For a Boarding student demonstrating outstanding leadership, academic effort and involvement in the full life of the School.

4. The B H Travers Exhibition Scholarship

This exhibition is awarded by the Headmaster to a boy entering Year 12. The recipient must have been at the School for at least two years prior to entering Year 12 for the first time. The exhibition recognises those qualities valued and espoused by Mr Travers which include:

  • A positive attitude to scholastic endeavours with performance commensurate with ability.
  • Constructive relationships with peers and staff.
  • A significant leadership role in School, House or co-curricular activities.
  • A high level of performance in co-curricular activities and games.

The exhibition seeks to acknowledge the applicant’s support of the School and its aims, and his effort, contribution and involvement having regard to the applicant’s ability and potential.

Named after B H Travers, AM, OBE, MA, B Litt (Oxon), FACE, Headmaster of Shore 1959-1984.

5.The Sue Wright Exhibition Scholarship

This exhibition is awarded to recognise an applicant’s effort and contribution to the life of the School. He must be making a strong effort academically with performance commensurate with ability. He must have a significant involvement in service activities within the school as well as beyond that which is required by the School. He must be making an outstanding effort in each of those service activities. The exhibition seeks to acknowledge the example set to others by the successful applicants’ outstanding contribution and effort both academically and in service activities.

Named after Mrs Sue Wright, wife of T A Wright, Headmaster of Shore 2003-2019.


  • Each exhibition scholarship has a one-off value of up to $1000.
  • The recipient of this exhibition will submit a proposal for the use of these funds in assisting them to further develop in the area for which they were awarded the scholarship e.g. academic, leadership, co-curricular pursuits etc.
  • A student can only be awarded one Senior Exhibition Scholarship in their time at the school.
  • Each Exhibition Scholarship will be awarded by a Committee Chaired by the Deputy Head Academic and MIC Scholarships on behalf of the Headmaster.