The Headmaster has the responsibility of appointing well qualified staff to ensure that all aspects of the School's academic, pastoral, spiritual, cultural and sporting curriculum are appropriately covered.

A full staff list is published in The Torch Bearer each year, in the annual list of prize-winners on Speech Day and in an early issue of the Shore Weekly Record of Term 1 each year.

Headmaster  Dr J Collier, BA, Dip Ed, Dip Bibl St, Ed D, FACE, FACEL
Chaplain Rev A G Benn, BA, Dip Ed (UTS), BD (MTC) 
Deputy Head Operations Dr A N Mansfield, BA (Hons), Dip Ed (Macq), PhD (Syd), MACE, MACEL
Deputy Head Academic Mr M J Leeds, BA, DipEd (Macq), MEd (Leadership and Administration) (Deakin), MUSS (Syd), MACE, MACEL
Deputy Head Pastoral Care
Mr D B Champion, BA (USYD), DipEd, MEdLead (Macq), MACEL
Deputy Head Co-Curricular
Dr L K Gilmour, BMus DMA (USYD), MEdLead (UNSW), GMBA (Macq), GradDipEd (UNE), FRSA, MACEL
Director of Boarding Mr A J C Roland, BA (Monash Uni), Dip Ed (Deakin), Associate Degree - Residential Care (ACU), Certificate of Residential Care (ACU)
Head of the Preparatory School  Miss N O Mitchell, MEdAdmin (UNSW), BEd Primary (USYD), BEd Early Childhood (UniSA), MACE, MACEL
Deputy Head Preparatory School Mr D J A Tait, BEd Primary (UNE), Grad Cert Education Law (ACU)
Director of the Early Learning Centre Mrs M Thompson, BA Teaching (Early Childhood) (UNE)
Head of Northbridge Campus

Mrs W Abernethy, GradCert (Educational Leadership) (CSU), BEd (Primary) (UTS), BTeach (Primary) (UTS)

Sportsmaster  Mr M J Ticehurst, BA, DipEd (Macq) 
Head of Teaching and Learning Mr M Bentley, DipEd (UNSW), BA (UNEW), MA (UNSW), GradDipEd (UNSW), GradCert in Integration Studies (UNSW)
Senior School Academic Administration Coordinator Mr J M Palmer, BA, DipEd (Syd)